The prayer
Prayer, for us, is the center and strength of our life. It is in Christ that we find the meaning of our life.
We live our mission of prayer in the spirit of the Incarnation, so that Jesus may continue his prayer in us through his Spirit.

Our Rule of Life says:
We live our mission of prayer in the spirit of the Incarnation, so that Jesus may continue his prayer in us through his Spirit (RV n° 12)
The prayer of Jesus, which we accept, leads us to commit ourselves to the apostolic life and this commitment invites us to an ever greater intimacy with the Lord. Thus, life and prayer are constantly intertwined in a filial and fraternal attitude. (RV n° 15)
We are careful to implement everything that allows this life of prayer and helps to persevere in the midst of difficulties:
a climate of silence within us and around us
research of our prayer rhythms,
preparation of personal and community prayer. (RV n° 18)
The Community
What attracted me to the Congregation of the Sisters of the Child Jesus was the simplicity of the Sisters. They were joyful, human, uncomplicated.
The Rule of Life tells us:
The community is a sign of the Kingdom when we let God live in us his love which brings us together. (RV n° 28)
Living in fraternal community is part of our mission in the Church. We have to witness that, beyond the tensions and other difficulties, inevitable in a life together, fraternity is possible in a world where indifference, hatred and violence are frequent. (RV n° 31)

The community is a sign of the Kingdom when we let God live in us his love which brings us together.

The Service of Faith
We have to "tell" to all those whom the Lord puts on our way, THE FATHER'S LOVE FOR EACH ONE.
Jesus came to live among us to reveal to us that God is Father and makes us his sons and daughters. He continues in us and through us, as through Anne-Marie Martel and her companions, his mission of salvation.

- We are therefore present and close to our brothers and sisters, we are involved in the world where they live, sharing their problems and their hopes...
- We announce to all the Good News that the love of God is among us
- Like Jesus, we have to help everyone grow as a person...
- We work for the liberation of the man and woman called to be sons and daughters of God.
We have to "tell" to all those whom the Lord puts on our way, THE FATHER'S LOVE FOR EACH ONE.