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Our mission
"Present to our brothers and sisters, we engage in the world where they live, we announce to all the good news that God loves them".
Prayer is an essential aspect of our mission: adoration, thanksgiving, asking in trust and abandonment. We contemplate the love of the Father, his presence, his action in creation, events, people...
Rule of life N°13
Fraternal life
The quality of our presence, to the community and to the people, is of primary importance. Attitudes of openness, respect, listening, welcoming and wonder at the values lived by each person are necessary for true encounters.
Rule of life N°08
Believe & share faith
We must constantly deepen our own faith through prayer, study, community exchange, openness to what people bring to us, letting ourselves be evangelized by them."
Rule of life N°07
The spiritual family
Religious & lay people
The Family of the Child Jesus is formed by:
- the sisters of the Congregation
- the partners
- the members of the trusteeship (directors of the schools under trusteeship)
- the members of the Fraternity of Anne-Marie Martel
- the friends of the Congregation.