Following Anne-Marie Martel
The Congregation of the Sisters of the Child Jesus was born from the instigation of a young laywoman, Anne-Marie Martel (1644-1673).
She was guided by the priests of Saint Sulpice established in Le Puy en Velay who very quickly recognized in this young Ponote, Anne-Marie Martel, a woman of the field animated by a deep faith, a love of Jesus Christ and of the most destitute of all kinds. Many of the needs of the time found an answer in her apostolic activities, whether it was religious and secular instruction, service to the sick, the isolated... the most needy. Miss Martel, without having been a religious herself, left to her companions the motto that she often repeated: " Lord, make it my pleasure to please you ".
Its apostolic dynamism, rooted in Puy en Velay in the Haute Loire, quickly spread to the neighboring towns and villages. Seeing how useful and fruitful the work was, Bishop de Béthune, Bishop of Le Puy, officially authorized the Community on May 21, 1676, gave it a canonical existence and entrusted its care to the Sulpicians.
From the beginning in 1667 with Anne-Marie Martel, it was mainly a pastoral catechetical work for young people and adults in the city and the country, at the service of the faith of the people. There were two branches: the Demoiselles de l'Instruction and the Filles de l'Instruction, called "Beates" by the people. The Daughters lived alone and taught in the countryside.
In 1980, the Congregation re-established a lay branch "Associated Enfant-Jesus" and today the Enfant-Jesus spiritual family brings together sisters, associates, friends, the Anne-Marie Martel fraternity and directors of establishments under the supervision of the Congregation.
Yesterday and Today...Following Christ, in the footsteps of AMM
Acting on oneself:
- "Anne-Marie allowed herself to be shaped day by day in secret... to become an apostle of gentleness."
- "A little time spent in his presence often brings serenity in the midst of trials."
- "Capable of great movements of impatience,...she learns little by little to master them "
- "This rule of life is for Anne Marie the guarantee that she does not let herself be led by her desires, her whims or her own will... However, she also knows how to be flexible and to detach herself when necessary. She does not hesitate to give up a time of prayer in order to serve her neighbor.
- "Christ did not come to be served but to serve
- "She made a secret resolution never to ask for anything for herself"
Be aware of your weaknesses and always feed yourself:
- "A lively and active faith that makes her not seek comfort in her prayer life but accept, without disturbing, the dryness, obscurities and distractions that may come in prayer."
- "She is fully aware of her fragility, her imperfections, her flaws.
- "Nothing, however, distracts her from her life of intimacy with the Lord: she knows only too well that it is there that all the good she can do and all her effectiveness originates.
Reaching out to others in their lives
- "Anne-Marie wants to live like everyone else and stay in the heart of the realities of this world.
- " live one's Christian life within the framework of one's parish".
- "Quickly, she wins the heart of each one by putting herself within their reach... We see her sitting on the floor among the young people..."
- "To make the Gospel penetrate, it is necessary to reach men and women where they live".
- "So that these young lacemakers have more time to work, to earn their living and also so that they can have time to pray, she herself goes out to sell the laces... she goes out to buy wheat for them... so that the bread is ready without their having to interrupt their work".
- "She builds a personal relationship with each of them and gains their trust.
- "She reads them stories that can reach them in what they are experiencing. It takes time, it takes energy, but what a blessing when a heart is touched and a woman asks for help..."
Organize methodically for sustainability
- "The idea came to him to train,...women who in turn would be able to..."
- "Anne-Marie has the concern to delegate, to hand over to others, she likes to share her mission with her companions.
- "Anne-Marie encountered resistance, refusals, hardness and closeness of heart which her gentleness did not seem to overcome... She began by catechizing each one in particular, and it was only then that she succeeded in bringing them together.
From the Extracts of the booklet Anne-Marie Martel, Editions du Signe